
She is a lady who wishes that the flowers around her keep blossoming each day… ;)
Memotong kuku mengikut sunnah Rasulullah s.a.w...

life as we know it
I'm just an average girl who wakes up every morning finding herself alone on the bed. okay okay scratch that. life is about making decisions. if you choose the right ones, congratulations. but what if you tend to make bad choices in life? you can't turn back time. pretending to be strong is what we always do. it is not easy to accept all of the consequences, no? and right at this moment I'm trying to decide which path to take. should I fulfill someone else's dream? or take the risks to fulfill mine? anyhow we consider ourselves as refugees sometimes. we say goodbye to reality and hello to fantasy. facebook is a fantasy I should say. some of us have hundreds or even thousands of friends on facebook. but in reality, do we really have that many? I once heard a man said, the more friends we have on social networks, the less we have in real life. is that true?we need at least one person to support us. either your bestfriend, boyfriend, girlfriend, sister, brother - you name it. but that special someone always know the right thing to say. even those little words can have big meaning in the most positive way.. I love you - quite possibly the greatest statement of all. the only thing that beats saying the words I love you is showing love through action.. I miss you - it means so much to know that we are missed during our absence.. You are beautiful - sometimes when we feel ugly inside or out, it means the world to hear that someone else still thinks we’re beautiful.. Thank you - every single one of us longs to feel appreciated, words of gratitude can make the heart sing.. I support you - statement like this encourages us to move forward with less fear of judgment.
the first word that came into my mind when I saw this beautiful picture of Atia Izazi was freedom. freedom is what people want these days, especially among teenagers. rebellious is not a new word to describe them us. (apparently I still consider myself as a teenager) we want to be freed from rules and do whatever we want. but little did we know the cruelty of life - the pain, the danger, the evil. so we actually need rules and principles to guide us. agree?

life as we know it
I'm just an average girl who wakes up every morning finding herself alone on the bed. if you choose the right ones, congratulations. but what if you tend to make bad choices in life? you can't turn back time. pretending to be strong is what we always do. it is not easy to accept all of the consequences, no? and right at this moment I'm trying to decide which path to take. should I fulfill someone else's dream? or take the risks to fulfill mine? anyhow we consider ourselves as refugees sometimes. we say goodbye to reality and hello to fantasy. facebook is a fantasy I should say. some of us have hundreds or even thousands of friends on facebook. but in reality, do we really have that many? I once heard a man said, the more friends we have on social networks, the less we have in real life. is that true?we need at least one person to support us. either your bestfriend, boyfriend, girlfriend, sister, brother - you name it. but that special someone always know the right thing to say. even those little words can have big meaning in the most positive way.. I love you - quite possibly the greatest statement of all. the only thing that beats saying the words I love you is showing love through action.. I miss you - it means so much to know that we are missed during our absence.. You are beautiful - sometimes when we feel ugly inside or out, it means the world to hear that someone else still thinks we’re beautiful.. Thank you - every single one of us longs to feel appreciated, words of gratitude can make the heart sing.. I support you - statement like this encourages us to move forward with less fear of judgment.
DOA Menghilangkan Mengantuk
my fav lyrics. ;)
Already Gone
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
Even without fists held high, yeah
Never would have worked out right, yeah
We were never meant for do or die
I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hurt
you now
I can't stop
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And i want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But i want you to move on
So i'm already gone
Looking at you makes it harder
But i know that you'll find another
That doesn't always make you wanna cry
Started with a perfect kiss
Then we could feel the poison set in
Perfect couldn't keep this love alive
You know that i love you so
I love you enough to let you go
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And i want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But i want you to move on
So i'm already gone
I'm already gone
I'm already gone
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone
Already gone
There's no moving on
So i'm already gone
Already gone
Already gone
Already gone, oooo, oh
Already gone
Already gone
Already gone, yeah
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
And i want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But i want you to move on
So i'm already gone
I'm already gone
I'm already gone
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone
Already gone
There's no moving on
So i'm already gone...
i'm having a good time today.

hey guys. dlm anda sdg gelak ketawa wif family & frens, did u guys notice wut's happening around us rite now..?? u guys tgk x di negara jiran kita..? b'mcm2 bencana yg sdg diorg lalui. sian kn..?? i wud never eva can imagine myself di tmpat diowg cmne. idop diowg dlm serba kekurangan, confuse, x ckup mkn&minum + ilang family + x de tmpat tnggal. fuhh.. how can their survive kn..?? cuba bygkn diri kita dlm keadaan sedemikian rupa. hmmmmmm..
u guys patut b'syukur berada di dlm keadaan yg slmt & sihat. kite patot amik peluang ni sbg iktibar & serta mengingatiNya.. apa pun boleh t'jd. kn..?? cewahhh.. ( ayat x leh tahan. hehe.. )
ok2. enough.. jari i pon dh lenguh nk taip pjg2 ni. hehe.. pape pun, u all take care la nk gi mane2 skang ni. wee~~ will update soon. ;)
I’m really stressed

I turned

Helluuuuuu everybody! Hows ur day today? Hmm, what’s the point of me saying all this? I pun xtau sebenarnye. Tibe2 je keluar sume ni. Hehe… I’m not saying that I’m a successful lady now. Definitely a NO! There’s so many things to learn and I’m still learning, believe me! I think I learn new things everyday! I also believe that there’s a big challenge that I’ve to face… and I don’t like thinking what’s going to happen to me tomorrow… But yes, u have to face it… I believe that life is not as simple as ABC, we’ll juz have to take it easy…
Hmm, having said that, I don’t know what’s there in front of me and I don’t think I’d like to know… All I know is that I still have a very long journey… and the journey continues…
Kebahagiaan Yang Terindah

Kebahagiaan yang amat besar dirasakannya dalam kehidupan rumah tangga. Kasih sayang yang tak ternilai dan perhatian satu sama lain dalam keluarga membuat ia merasa dunia ini miliknya dan tak akan berakhir. Ketika kematian istrinya secara tiba-tiba membuat ia terkejut, shock, stress, tak percaya bahwa hal itu terjadi. Mencoba tawar menawar dan tidak berhasil malah membuatnya tertekan. Depresi, putus asa, akhirnya menerima dengan terpaksa.
Sampai pada suatu hari kedatangannya di Rumah Amalia, melalui doa, renungan dan muhasabah. Ia menyadari bahwa penderitaannya belum seberapa dibanding dengan begitu banyak orang lain yang jauh lebih menderita. Ia tergugah hatinya melihat begitu banyak orang yang menemukan Allah, menyerahkan dirinya kepada Allah dengan melalui begitu banyak cobaan di dalam hidup mereka.
Akhirnya ia bertekad mengubah hidupnya menjadi sebuah keberserahan kepada Allah. Ia menemukan dirinya dengan keadaanya dan berusaha dengan tulus membantu anak-anak & siapapun yang membutuhkan pertolongan di Rumah Amalia. 'Mas Agus, saya merasakan begitu dekat dengan Allah justru ditengah hati saya terpuruk, penuh luka. Ternyata banyak orang yang lebih menderita daripada saya dan saya bisa membantu mereka. Hati saya terasa begitu sejuk. Ya Allah..' tuturnya di Rumah Amalia. Air matanya mengalir tanpa disadarinya. Berkali-kali terucap syukur 'alhamdulillah'. Kebahagiaan itu hadir dengan begitu sangat indahnya disaat dirinya benar-benar berserah diri kepada Allah.
I will never fit in that!
I almost forgot that I own a blog and that it’s my duty to update it every now and then. I always search for the right time to update this blog of mine, which has been left unattended for sooooooo long! ;( My last post was when? February? Might as well I just ‘tutup kedai‘ rite? :p Guess I will only update it as and when I feel like doing so… or maybe the right word would be as and when I’ve the right time? Hehe… Hmm, dun even know if I still have my loyal readers though… never mind… :p
Oh well, my life hasn’t changed that much. It’s just that I’m in the midst of controlling what I eat and drink. I dun want to say that ‘diet‘ word as it sounds soooooo irritating and frustrating! At least for me… Hehe… I’ve been controlling what I eat and drink since… I can’t recall… maybe April dis year? And so far I just lost 2-3kgs… It’s a bit frustrating as I expected to lose more! Ahaha! Guess it’s quite hard for me to lose weight as I just cant resist rice! Ahaha!
Now why, all of a sudden, do I control myself? It’s simple… I’m going to reach 30 anytime soon and I understand that it’s at that age, that u will hit the-turning-old milestone which as a result, it’s easier for u to get all sorts of health complications i.e diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, breast cancer, just to name a few… and this, somehow scares me… Well that doesn’t mean that u can eat anything in the world before turning 30! Hehe… And that also doesn’t mean u won’t have any health complication before 30…
On top of that, I also understand that it’s a bit difficult if u wanna lose weight after u reach 30 (I may be wrong as I’ve yet to do my research on this :p). Hence, I want to lose weight and be skinny healthy! I’d like to maintain weight only when I achieve my desired weight… (tapi mcm xbole je nak achieve my ideal weight tu) This doesn’t sound right but sometimes I want to be as skinny as possible so that I can fit in that dVb Victoria Beckham jeans! Ahaha! I will never fit in that!!! *screaming at the top of my lungs*
Oh well, it seems that this post is full of emotions and spirits!!! Hehe… I think everyone may get his/her desired look if you have the passion to do so and if u r committed in doing so. Disciplinary is very important, otherwise u will end up buying urself a pack of nasi lemak with ayam berempah and telur mata. (I’m referring to me of course…) Ahaha! :p
Oh yes, on a separate note, reaching 30 also means that u should at least own a property, a house to be exact. It doesn’t have to be ur ‘dream house’… a simple house is more than ok. But do I own one? NO!!! ;(( This is frustrating… I should stop spending on bags. No wait, maybe I should have separate tabung for bags and my house… Hehe… and tabung for a rainy day? U’ll never know what’s gonna happen rite… *sigh loudly* Thinking of this is frustrating, let alone the amount that I have to save for it. *biting my nails* Or maybe… just maybe… I should have a side income? Hehe…
Sudah layak mengundi
Makna warna bunga mawar
Makna warna bunga mawar
Tahukah anda apa sebenarnya makna dari bunga yang diberikan? Bunga mawar selama ini dianggap sebagai bunga yang paling tepat untuk diberikan pada yang tercinta kerana ternyata erti dari mawar atau rose adalah ucapan 'I Love You'. Namun, tak hanya itu. Warna dari bunga mawar pun mempunyai erti. Merah bererti cinta dengan respek yang tinggi. Kuning bererti kebebasan atau fleksibiliti. Kemudian warna merah jambu bererti terima kasih dan rasa syukur yang mendalam. Terakhir, warna putih mengandung makna ketulusan cinta dan kepedulian.Bagaimana dengan bunga yang lain? Ternyata juga mengandung sejumlah erti pula. Bunga gladiol bererti 'sedang patah hati', bunga lily bererti 'keinginan untuk memperbaiki hubungan', bunga violet bererti 'tidak bisa kuterima cintamu.'
Dear Rose Color Curious,Yes, it is indeed true that each rose color has its own unique meaning. This presents a great opportunity to send a message along with your thoughtful gift. Here are the color meanings:
Red Rose
This one is the most obvious. It means "I love you." It represents romance and love.
Deep Pink
This simply means "thank you". If someone you know does something nice for you, a deep pink rose is a good way of saying "thank you".
Regular Pink
A pink rose represents happiness. It's great to give a pink rose to a partner to say, "I'm very happy with our relationship."
Light Pink
A light pink rose means "sympathy". When someone has had a loss then light pink roses is a very nice way of expressing your condolences.
White RoseA
white rose symbolizes innocence and purity. When combined with red roses (see further down), it represents "unity".
Yellow Rose
A yellow rose symbolizes friendship and caring. It's the perfect innocent gift to give to a friend or give to a loved one when you simply want to say "I care". When given to a friend it also means "I'm happy with our friendship."
Lavender Rose
A lavender rose is a symbol of "falling in love". When you give it to a person you are saying "I have fallen in love with you and am enchanted by you."
Orange Rose
An orange rose is a symbol of desire. "I desire you" or "I desire to get to know you better" is the message that orange roses send.
Black Rose
Never ever give a woman a black rose, because Hollywood has, unfortunately, made out the meaning to be "death". These aren't easy to find and some maintain that they don't actually "exist".
Blue Rose
A blue rose is very hard to reproduce or find, although some floral companies are trying to do it naturally. Others just die them. To some a blue rose symbolizes "mystery" and to others "attaining the impossible". A blue rose given can symbolize the rarity of your partner. You have attained the impossible.
Mixture of White and Red Roses
When you deliver white and red roses together to someone, it is a symbol of unification and unity. "May we always be together as one."
If you want to be creative, you can combine some of the above roses to send several messages at once. For example, send lavender and orange roses to say that you are falling in love with the person and desire to know them even more. Provide yellow and pink roses combined to let a grieving friend know you care and are sorry for their hardship and loss.
Another tip - and this one is from DateGifts.com - buy 11 roses of one color and then 1 of a contrasting color. Provide them to your girlfriend and let her know that she is unique and that's one of the many reasons you love her. She stands out amongst all women and you are honored to have her in your life.
Here's an example: Get her 11 deep pink colored roses and one red rose. Deep pink means "thank you". You can then say, "thank you for being unique. I love you." Or give her 11 pink roses and one blue rose to say, "I am very happy with our relationship and thankful that I have attained such a rare gem as you."
The best part about this is that women know how much thought is put into a gift and the way you present your roses will have an amazing impact.
I highly commend you for the thought you are giving in delivering your roses to a very special woman. ~ The Dating Tipster
Credit To : Online Dating Magazine - Dating Services, Tips, Advice, and News (http://www.onlinedatingmagazine.com)
Makna warna bunga mawar
Tahukah anda apa sebenarnya makna dari bunga yang diberikan? Bunga mawar selama ini dianggap sebagai bunga yang paling tepat untuk diberikan pada yang tercinta kerana ternyata erti dari mawar atau rose adalah ucapan 'I Love You'. Namun, tak hanya itu. Warna dari bunga mawar pun mempunyai erti. Merah bererti cinta dengan respek yang tinggi. Kuning bererti kebebasan atau fleksibiliti. Kemudian warna merah jambu bererti terima kasih dan rasa syukur yang mendalam. Terakhir, warna putih mengandung makna ketulusan cinta dan kepedulian.Bagaimana dengan bunga yang lain? Ternyata juga mengandung sejumlah erti pula. Bunga gladiol bererti 'sedang patah hati', bunga lily bererti 'keinginan untuk memperbaiki hubungan', bunga violet bererti 'tidak bisa kuterima cintamu.'
Yang jauh adalah masa yang berlaluYang dekat adalah saat datangnya matiYang berat adalah memegang amanahYang ringan adalah berbuat dosa sesama manusia dan meninggalkan solatYang besar adalah hawa nafus manusia yang tidak pernah mencapai kepuasan
By doing the best we can, we are winners, and the more experience we have at winnings, the better we become at acquiring the characteristics of being good winners
Bersahabat dengan orang jahat itu ibarat berperahu di laut.Sungguh pun kta selamat daripada tenggelam tetapi kita tidak terlepas daripada rasa takut.
where am i..
today as i was waking up from my bed, i open my eyes and i realize that this is the veryvery lovely in the morning with the birds chirping sound, the sound of the cats fighting, and it comes with the yummy smell of my mom's cooking and it's making my stomach bunyi kruukruu.. ( that's the signal of my stomach when it got hungry. hehhee... ) as i'm done with my shower and wrapping my hair with my towel then something had pop outs from my head. the question is 'are you gonna leave the toilet without any clothes put on?' pfffttt... damn, hahaaa... -.-'
p/s : don't be dreaming too much when u r in the shower. okay? hehhee..

this time my post is gonna be about telephone. i just wondering is there anyone still using this phone gayut lama2 macam ni? hehe.. i just wanna share about my kisah silam dulu gayut dengan telefon macam ni lama2. :P dulu time i tak ade handphone lagi, i selalu la guna telefon ni untuk call 'someone'. every night i stay up til 12pm just to call somebody. sharp at 12pm i sneaking out from my room then grab the telephone then run back to my room. haha! kelakar kan? dah macam pencuri dah. then sometimes my mum sorok telephone tu takut i gayut lama2. hehee.. psttt.. notty juga i dulu. if tak dapat guna telephone tu, tak tenteram i nak tidur malam. hahahahhaa..
so.. yeahh.. i rasa sekarang dah moden. gayut2 macam ni dah tak ada kot. pernah nampak depan mata i sendiri, this someone 9yrs old kid pun dah ada handphone sendiri. woww!! memang dahsyat. handphone canggih dari i pulak tu. hehhee.. i duduk sebelah dia pun tak senang nak keluarkan handphone i ni. segan! :P ( padahal handphone tengah vibrate dalam pocket i. lalalla.. )i bukan jealous. tapi bila fikir balik, 9yrs old kid guna handphone? untuk apa? even i dulu 9tahun main masak2, main cikgu2 lagi tau. hehee.. so, the conclusion is budak zaman sekarang dah demand kot. ekekeke.. peace.
that's all for now. thanks guys for reading this. (;
dear Mr..

yesterday is the first night where we don't talk. i'm always crying to myself to sleep. but i can't. :((
it was hard for me stay apart from you.
i just want you to know that :
before i sleep and after i wake up
and all the hours in between you occupy my mind.
so practically every moment of the day you are in my thoughts.
For You,
Sometimes you wish for happiness, but pain is what you get.
Sometimes when you want to find the truth, you discover lies.
Sometimes you wait for the good things to come, but bad things will come along.
Sometimes people you love will leave you behind.
Sometimes you decide to leave them for good.
Sometimes you sit in one corner and cry, because you regret what you did.
Sometimes you hope there will be a light after a storm.
And causes brightness that lasts for miles.
The moments of joy will eventually come one day, and you hope that day arrives soon.
So that you can move on easily, and not just holding back the tears.
You wait patiently for the wind to blow, with new hopes it throws.
Some of you may understand this, some of you dont.
But the writer's eyes are full of tears now, trying so hard to avoid breaking innocent hearts.
She wonders why do all good things come to an end?
Travelling is what she does, living this way she is less stressed.
She missed the real moment of life.
Either crying on the past or musing over the unknown future.
But now the writer knows.
Living in the present, is what she needs to learn.
with love,
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Then the traveller in the dark,
Thanks you for your tiny spark,
He could not see which way to go,
If you did not twinkle so.
In the dark blue sky you keep,
And often through my curtains peep,
For you never shut your eye,
Till the sun is in the sky.
As your bright and tiny spark,
Lights the traveller in the dark,—
Though I know not what you are,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star

Where have I been?
Hi everybody! Miss me? Hehe… Ok this post is going to be pretty short. Where have I been?
1. I’ve been super duper busy with work! (the usual excuse :p)
2. I’ve been busy decluttering my wardrobe and my room! Bought some new furniture for my room and clothing and some other stuffs!
(this is definitely a good excuse to shop more. hehe…)

3. I’ve been busy attending wedding invitations here and there every weekend! (another good excuse to shop for baju2 macam artis. hehe…)
4. I’ve been busy window shopping! (it’s Y.E.S people!!! let’s shop! hehe…)
5. I’ve been thinking to stop blogging since I don’t think I have the right time anymore… (or is it due to the fact that I juz realized that my boss also reads my blog? ahaha! errr… hi boss! *hands waving at boss* - if you are reading this… hehe…)
The Heart of the Ocean…
Helluuu!!! II cant recall how many times have I watched it… yet I still cry! :p This is my favourite movie!
Tengok banyak kali sampai dialogue sume dah hafal pun still nangis… I wonder why… sangat menyentuh hati… :p

I love this part… the view of the sun sets is amazing! Macam nak senja macam tu kan…

And the above is the part of the movie that I will cry WITHOUT FAIL! Ahaha! :p
Owait, I should go to bed now since esok nak kene bangun awal. Ingat esok holiday ke tido lambat2 ni? Aiyoooo. :p Btw, I love Kate Winslet… her acting is just so natural…
lovelies and have a good day !


Kita Mudah Lupa
A Flower that Blossoms
She is a lady
who truly nature...
who truly appreciates everyone around her...
who truly hopes the best for everybody...
who truly wishes that her dreams will come true....
who truly nature...
who truly appreciates everyone around her...
who truly hopes the best for everybody...
who truly wishes that her dreams will come true....
